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Офисный стеллаж



IC BUSINESSINTERIORS — Интерьеры для бизнеса

Габаритные размеры

О бренде

Рабочее место TWIST от фабрики ACTIU
Рабочее место POWER от фабрики ACTIU
Fluit | стул
Peana | столик
Bend | столик
Longo | столик
Tabula tar-20 | столик
Cool e100 | столик


Level is the new shelving system to equip libraries and educational spaces dedicated to the exhibition and filing of all types of information. It is based on a structural system of great visual lightness, built by a steel profile frame linked by shelves which determine the different levels of progression. The program Level has a variety of unique items to meet the demands of libraries and media centres. The distribution of spaces is done in an ergonomic and aesthetic way in order to access them in a comfortable and effective way. Paint finishes promote the resistance of the shelves against wear and tear, due to the placement and extraction of books and digital documents.

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