There are inventions that are immediately obvious because you can grasp them with your hands: push them here, turn them there, play with them, take them apart. Lego is one such example, the Rubik's Cube or the wipe-and-go of the smartphone. Meterware also has what it takes to become a real classic. For people who love order on the desk, it is a discovery
for people who can't keep one, likewise.
Reduced powder-coated aluminium profiles whose defined interior space wants to be filled: with carefully crafted inserts that you immediately want to take in your hand. In this way, Wolfgang Hartauer has developed veritable marshalling yards. Here a noble pen tray with precisely milled grooves made of light oak. There an oval or round tray made of dark walnut. In addition, lids that turn the space in between into storage space or perforated blocks in which pens are lined up with meticulousness.
But the best thing is that everything can be moved back and forth. Precisely adapted to the profile, the inserts move as if on rails. Precisely gliding, with a flattering contrast between cool aluminium and warm wood: this is how tidiness is fun.