The new P-150 is a model with similar characteristics to P-190. It is designed with clean lines which lets it adapt to any architectural style. This pergola has great advantages when it comes to installation. The mounting time is minimised, making it a quick and easy task, since some profiles simply clip into place and do not need screwing. The mounting of the slats is also smoother, thanks to the retracting spring-loaded.
Component optimisation
This model's duplex installation, as well as the grouping of pergolas, allow columns to be shared, resulting in a very efficient design.
External motorisation
The motor in the P-150 model is located in the upper part of the pergola, on the outside, so it is not visible from inside. Its IP67 ensures a complete guarantee with regard to outdoor exposure, against rain and suspended particles such as dust, etc.
This arrangement makes it possible to share a motor when there are groups of pergolas, or in duplex pergolas.
Registered perimeter sealing
A registered system that works against sideways rain and prevents direct and/or reflected light from going through the joints between the slats and the frame.