Extruded aluminium alloy body. Die-cast ring and base made of aluminium alloy with very low copper content. No visible screws and completely concealed wall attachment. The product is subjected to galvanic anodizing treatment divided into distinct phases: mechanical satin finishing, surface degreasing, anodic oxidation and finally fixing. Subsequently the product is painted by performing a double pass in-line process, which allows you to generate a single thick protective layer which then generates barrier against atmospheric agents and UV rays. This allows to achieve corrosion resistance performance in salt spray. Pre-treatment with atmospheric pressure plasma is carried out on the surface before gluing of the diffuser on Platek products.
IK 05
Коллекция боллардов и бра. Благодаря своему внешнему виду заметен, но ненавязчив. Круглое отверстие светит как луна, создает особый трехмерный световой эффект. В варианте болларда есть горизонтальное или вертикальное направление луча света. На поверхности рисуется как бы часть лунного луча. Крепящий кронштейн и винты невидимы глазу.