Pozzetti modules with glycol refrigeration are the most traditional way of storing ice-cream
a salt and water mixture, or brine, used to be employed as a low temperature conductor in the past, but now a mixture of water and food-approved glycol, combine in the right proportions, is used.
Pozzetti modules with forced-air ventilation are the modern variant on the traditional type. The low temperature is conveyed through the module by fans which move the air and distribute it evenly around the tubs.
Glycol modules are much heavier than the forced-air equivalent due to the amount of liquid they contain, and the tank also has to be filled with the glycol and water mixture on first installation, while the forced-air type is ready for use.
Both systems guarantee a minimal difference between the upper tub and the spare tub stored underneath.
Both glycol and forced-air pozzetti modules have tanks insulated with 70 mm of expanded polyurethane with a density of 40 kg/m3, guaranteeing lower heat loss than the thinner constructions normally found on the market, and thus saving energy.
Since glycol pozzetti modules have to refrigerate a considerable amount of liquid, they take about 10/12 hours to reach the operating temperature, after which the temperature is maintained with very little energy, and in the event of a power blackout the ice-cream will be conserved for many hours due to the thermal inertia of the liquid mass.
Usually, a glycol module is switched on at the start of the season and not switched off again until the end, because it is recommended for continuous use. A pozzetti module with force-air refrigeration requires very little time (about 30/40 minutes) and electricity to reach the operating temperature initially, but in order to keep the temperature constant it requires more frequent motor operation, and the ice-cream will be conserved for less time than in the glycol type in the event of a power blackout. Forced-air modules are recommended for discontinuous use, or for businesses operating on alternating days, or only at certain times of day.
Pozzetti ice-cream modules with both glycol and forced-air refrigeration can be used at negative temperatures (from -6°C to -18°C) for ice-cream or slushes.