EchoBoard® is developed for the best room acoustics possible and serves as the base material for ECHOJAZZ acoustic ceilings, acoustic lighting, acoustic walls, and acoustic room dividers. It is also the basis for endless possibilities of individual acoustic solutions. We are happy to process the raw board according to your design: just send us the cutting plan as DWG and we will develop your tailor-made items. EchoBoard® is available in the standard 24mm profile, as well as in a thinner 12mm option. ECHOJAZZ offers specifically designed kits for simple installation.
The high-performance absorber EchoBoard® 24mm is made of 100% PET with a recycled content of 70 bottles per square metre. The self-supporting, felt-like board is the basic material for acoustic projects with maximum design aspiration. And EchoBoard® is recyclable with zero waste.