Our principles of space management
A thoughtful office, the design of which took into account physical, emotional and intellectual well-being of employees, can increase their productivity by up to 36%. We tell you in the article what we put into these concepts when developing modern workspaces.
According to independent research conducted by various organizations in recent years, a happy person works 12% more efficiently! Therefore, our main goal is to increase the level of well-being of your employees through the creation of a comfortable and efficient office. This is how we support their physical, emotional and cognitive health during the working day. Of course, the office cannot make someone happy by itself, but it can affect the productivity of the staff quite.
The principle of physical well-being. The importance of movement!
The first and basic principle from which the care of employees begins. Previously, it was associated only with the ergonomics of the workplace. Now they also include the need to create conditions and incentives for effective movement of personnel.
There are several reasons for this. Firstly, a sitting position greatly slows down a person's metabolism, causes neck pain, reduces concentration and affects mental abilities. Secondly, we have entered the era of social spaces, when the most important ideas for the development of a company are born not in the head of one person, but in groups. Moreover, at an unplanned time and in a chaotic place. Thirdly, modern technologies allow employees to be mobile without loss of productivity.
By stimulating the process of movement, change of workplace or position, we help the staff to maintain their physical and psychological well-being, which means that it is more effective to perform management tasks. This is confirmed by statistics: 96% of employees involved in the work have the opportunity to freely change jobs and work standing up during the day.
The principle of emotional well-being. Communication support.
According to the results of a survey conducted by Richard Florida, a leading Canadian researcher of the modern urban environment at the University of Toronto, 98% of respondents identified communication with other employees and teamwork as an important component for their effective work.
Indeed, companies today are creators of ideas, most of which are born in a group of specialists from different departments. Up to 80% of all work is done in small groups, and not at individual workplaces or large meetings.
That is why in modern offices so much attention is paid to spaces that stimulate cooperation and knowledge exchange. In addition, social connections within the company help a person feel involved in the brand and corporate culture, and the company helps to retain valuable personnel.
The principle of intellectual well-being. Reboot.
Fresh ideas and views are the engine of the company's progress. For their appearance, it is necessary to create favorable conditions and exclude factors that hinder the process of effective creation. The workplace today should reduce stress levels, help the brain avoid overloads and overwork. Therefore, it is extremely important to create places for employees to rest and recuperate in the office.
Thus, modern efficient offices should solve 5 tasks:
1. Support the following activities:
- individual work → focus on solving the problem;
- group work → to exchange knowledge;
- informal communication → establish social connections;
- rest → recuperate.
2. Promote cooperation
Organize zones for various forms of interaction, maintain personal and virtual communication, create places for unplanned meetings and communication.
3. Attract talents
By creating attractive working conditions.
4. Reflect corporate culture
To represent the values of your brand to external and internal audiences, to be a conductor of corporate culture.
5. Provide comfort in the workplace
Support different forms of work: standing, sitting, in motion, in isolation.
The productivity of your employees and the organization as a whole is at the center of our attention. Our job is to design the best working environment for the needs of the staff, which eventually becomes a space for achieving your ambitious business goals.
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